Useful tools for web authors, developers and others.
You can use these tools at your own risk for noncommercial purposes. Authors cannot be held responsible for any damage or harm caused to you as the direct or indirect result of using these tools. Please contact program's author for license concerns.
- Acc - an Accessibility Evaluator - Firefox extension prototype
- Freehs - siistii Helsingin sanomien www-sivun ulkoasua
- Handheld Tester - simulates cell phone in webbrowser
- Free Tables - removes nonscalable tablelayout
- Spampro - crypts your mailto-links
- Xetor - XML-editor
- Erkka - ER-diagram modelling and SQL-queries
- CSStoXML - Java-command-line tool for converting CSS to XML
- Ajankäytönseuranta - Excel-sovellus
- Table2Html - Excel-taulukko HTML:ksi
- laheta.cgi - WWW-lomakkeen tallennus+sähköpostitus
- ostoskori.cgi - yksinkertainen WWW-ostoskori
- Marathon Estimator - predicts your finish marathon time
- Energy calculator - tells how many calories you have burned
- Bios Setup Simulator
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