Exercise 8 - presentation graphics

Make up a presentation graphics show from completed material on next tasks. You can use your own material or fetch completed material from address: <URL: http://appro.mit.jyu.fi/ohjelmistot/demot/materiaalia.doc>. Save the material into U-disk.

You can use lecture papers of the course as help when you analyse the material. Electronic lecture papers can be found from address: <URL: http://appro.mit.jyu.fi/doc/esitysgrafiikka/>.

  1. First part of the presentation is usually to make a plan. And one part of the plan is to analyse the material into form so it can be easily moved to the presentation graphics program.
  2. Open the Power Point -presentation graphics program and bring in the completed material as the show base by following next instructions.
  3. Next you have to define the materials for different slides and also into lists of different level. Defining the structure can be done by two different ways:
  4. Divide matter into slides by observing following rules:
  5. You can also edit the order of the slides into other order with mouse if needed. You can also change the order on Slide Sorter-view. Try how the Slide Sorter -view works.
  6. Next edit structure of some slides into another a little. You can change the structure of active slide by selecting Format | Slide Layout (finn. Muotoile | Dian rakenne). Check the opportunities of different slide structure and change structure of some slides departed from default structure.
  7. Next edit the slide layouts by using following instructions:
  8. Insert a new slide as to be last slide of the show. This new slide is meant to be the slide which ends the show. Inserting the slide can be done by selecting Insert | New Slide (finn. Lisää | Uusi Dia). Insert some ClipArt-picture into the slide. You can also insert ClipArt-pictures which visualize the presentation into other slides at the same time.
  9. Check the show through by selecting Slide Show | View Show (finn. Diaesitys | Näytä esitys) and make needed repairs. Try how the pen works when you visualize the show. You can go in for the pen during the show by clicking right mouse button and selecting Pointer Options | Pen (finn. Osoittimen asetukset | Kynä). You can stop using the pen from under that same menu.
  10. Next try to link a chart from spreadsheet program to the presentation graphics program by using following instructions.
  11. Next test how the linkage works. Open the spreadsheet program and change student points so that the chart will change a little. Save the file again.
  12. After that the change emerges also in the presentation graphics program with right mouse button. Click right mouse button above the chart and select point Update Link (finn. Päivitä linkki) from opened menu. Did the changes emerge?

Extra exercises

  1. Insert a new slide in the end of show and create a chart which illustrates some handled matter into it. The meaning of this particular slide is to work as repetition from handled matters of the show. If you use completed document the chart could look like same that it is shown in next picture.

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  2. Insert effects which make the chart as visualized as possible into the chart.
  3. How much time the visualization took? It usually takes much more time to make the visualization than create the presentation frame!
  4. Test very carefully how the visualization works!
© Petri Heinonen ()<URL: http://www.mit.jyu.fi/peheinon/>
2002-03- 5T15:22:06Z