Exercise 5 - Making charts and using group mode

In following exercises you continue developing the student table which was created by you in previous exercises.

  1. Open the student table made by you or fetch it from address <URL: http://appro.mit.jyu.fi/ohjelmistot/demot/opiskelijataulukko.xls>. Save the workbook as Demo5.xls.
  2. Insert three new spreadsheets into workbook and name them as Course2, Course3 and Course4. Rename the blank-sheet Tentti1 created in previous exercise as Course1.
  3. Next we edit the new blank-sheets to be as similar as they were on the student exam-table which was made in previous exercises. Next there is a brief help for how to edit blank-sheets quickly:
  4. Insert also a new spreadsheet into the workbook and create a student register as in picture. The register is on the place where the common information about students is saved. It is meaning that student information is fetch from the student register into course blank-sheets.


  5. Select all Course-blank-sheets as group-space and insert a one new column before the student information (column A) into blank-sheets. Insert ID as heading text of column and insert ID-values found from student register into column.
  6. Create a formula into Course-blank-sheets into the cell which includes the name of the student. The formula should fetch the student name corresponding ID-value from the student register. You have to use VLOOKUP (suom. PHAKU)-function in formula and the formula can be made in group-space. Test the functionality of the formula very carefully.
  7. Insert a one new blank-sheet into workbook. The blank-sheet should be a summary blank-sheet of course results of the students. Name the inserted blank-sheet as Summary. Make the blank-sheet to be as similar as in the picture by using following instructions.

    Kooste opiskelijoiden suorituksista

  8. Create a chart from exam scores of the students in the Course1 and use following instructions:


  9. Now create a little more multifunctional and more difficult chart from exam results of the students by using following instructions.

    Opiskelijoiden kurssitulokset

  10. Next we test a little how the charts work.
  11. Arrange blank-sheets of student application in order that you like. Arranging can be done by moving the blank-sheet in right place with mouse.

Extra exercises

If you haven´t done all exercises from previous exercises make them first. (Before you start doing these extra exercises.)

  1. Insert one new blank-sheet into the application which analysis wearther information.
  2. Study how the changing order of blank-sheets will effect on the information of Summary-blank-sheet.
  3. Create a chart as in picture from weather information. Try to put every properties which are found from example picture into the chart.

    Kaavio Jyväskylän ja Tampereen lämpötiloista

© Petri Heinonen ()<URL: http://www.mit.jyu.fi/peheinon/>